We are ready to help you achieve your best possible tax refund.

Maximum Refund Guarantee
Assistance Anytime
Upfront Guaranteed Pricing
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If you own an investment property, there’s lots to consider when it comes to end of financial year. If you’re receiving rent, we make sure we factor in a proportion of ownership interest and market rates to declare in the year received. We also deduct the interest paid on your purchasing loan and apportion interest for private expenses in your line of credit.
To maximise your appointment like we maximise your tax refund, you’ll need to bring a few documents and receipts with you.
Income Statements
- PAYG Payment Summaries (previously Group Certificates) You should be provided a copy from your employer
- Payment Summaries from Centrelink for example, Newstart, Youth Allowance, Disability Pension
- Eligible termination payments
- Interest earned from bank accounts
- Share dividend statements
- Annual tax statements from trusts managed investments, property and cash management trusts
- Income and expenses from investment properties
- Business income
- Foreign income

Deductions & Expenses
- A list of work-related expenses (with receipts). This includes your motor vehicle log
- Receipts of charitable donations
- Interest and fees on investment loans
- Donations to charities (unless you get a ticket to win something in return, those ones don’t count)
- School building levies and library funds
- Fee charged for previous year’s tax return
- Income protection insurance
- Sickness and accident insurance
- Private health insurance
- Any extra superannuation contributions
- Amount of HELP debt or Financial Supplement loans outstanding
- Out of pocket medical expenses for disability aids only in excess of $2,265
- Accommodation and meals costs you’ve incurred from working away from home
- Home office running expenses
- Work-related education expenses
- Rental property expenses – rates, body corporate, agent fees, interest on your loan, repair and maintenance, water rates, depreciation schedule
- Investment expenses
- Records of sales and purchases of shares, businesses or property

Other Details
- Bring the details of your spouse, including their date of birth and taxable income to check if you may be eligible for tax benefits.
- Government debts
- Last Year’s tax return.